

What People Are Saying?

Evan has been working hard playing gigs, recording and writing songs over the past few years. Since he was 11 he has played everything from churches, school gyms, bars, patios, and theatres from Niagara all the way to New Jersey. Here are a few reviews from people he has worked with on this new musical journey!

Rotella impressed with his solo set, showin why, at just 19, the Niagara falls-based singer/songwriter is rapidly attracting attention as well as the support of such fellow artists as Dave Rave and Stephen Stanley. Stylistic reference points would include Steve Earle and bruce Springsteen, and he already has an assured stage presence. One to watch.

- Kerry Doole, Billboard Canada (May 2024)

Like the album that bears its name, Last Train Home relies on an appropriately spare arrangement: Just one man’s voice, his acoustic guitar and a harmonica. Bruce Springsteen’s Nebraska period leaps immediately to mind — which is none too surprising, given that Rotella’s first public appearance had him singing Born In The U.S.A. at a school talent show when he was only six. But you can hear more than a hint of the great Bob Dylan himself in the way Rotella’s unadorned vocals echo across these new tracks, spinning tales of reckoning and contemplation that mark him as a true poet in his own right.

- Tinnitist,

Talented Niagara musician Evan Rotella may be young but his songwriting's old school in the best way possible. His incredible debut album Happy to be Here is a marvelous blend of country, folk and classic rock. Evan sings us tales of life experiences (travelling, nostalgia, regrets and more) beyond his years. On top of that, his guitar work is exquisite here and the merry band of musicians backing him up raise the bar as well,

- Hamilton Blues Lovers,

His bracingly mature output has earned Rotella a host of tributes from the public and the tastemakers alike. He’s been called “one to watch” by Billboard Canada and hailed for providing Niagara’s best entertainment in multiple years by the readers of Niagara Falls Review and Niagara This Week. A good deal of that acclaim stems from his well-earned reputation as a live performer who’s spent the past four years baring his musical soul at festivals, theatres, patios, bars and parties across the Niagara region. In that time, Rotella has opened shows for Steven Page (Barenaked Ladies), The Wilderness, Miss Emily, Honeymoon Suite, Wheatus, Stephen Stanley, Willie Nile, Joe Grushecky, Bobby Mahoney & The Seventh Son, Joe D’Urso, Southside Johnny and the legendary Steve Earle

- FindYour Sounds.com,

Pithy, thought-provoking urban folk doesn’t get much better than this. There’s something both unexpectedly captivating and hugely impressive about the latest album by up-and-coming Canadian singer-songwriter Evan Rotella.

- Americana-UK.c0m,

For those (like this reviewer) keen to look out for more Rotella, the good news is the acoustic ‘Last Train Home’ contrasts well next to his only previous offering, the equally excellent but much rockier ‘Happy to Be Here’ album from 2023. (It’s also a whole ten minutes longer!) Meantime, for all it zips past way too fast every time, the ‘Last Train Home’ is not one you want to miss under any circumstances.

- Americana-UK.com,

I thought Rock N Roll was dead and then I heard this kid. If he went on Canada's Got Talent... he'd take the whole thing. I heard him last when I was on vacation a Sherkston last year and he sounded great. I waved to dad... but he didn't recognize me with my beard. If you haven't heard this kid... check him out sometime. He plays solo... but because he's so good many bands ask him to play with them.

- Mimmo-Stefania Caruso ,

It was my privilege to record this exceptional young gentleman last summer. Evan is the real deal. He came over to lay down some ideas. Live off the floor, singer songwriter style. The songs coming out of this 19 year old flowed into intricate tales, that could hit you right in the heart. The lyrics wove images that felt solid and illustrated years gone by. The lyrics of a seasoned artist. If you see that he is playing close by, he is well worth seeing.

- Alek Bromke,

An industry buzz is building around young Niagara Falls singer/songwriter, Evan Rotella. He is playing a January residency at The Casbah in Hamilton (with shows on the 23 and 30 to come)and hs just announced a February residency at The Cameron House. Last weekend, Rotella played two shows in New Jersey for the Light of Day Foundation Winterfest including one at the famed Stone Pony club. One to watch.

- Kerry Doole, Billboard Canada

I have not stopped listening to (the CD) for the last 3 days. I think Evan and his team did a great job!!! I think he should keep writing as he’s going to continue to get better. I love the lyrics, choruses, and melodies. Great job!!!

- Victor Rossi,

t's a joy to see someone throw themselves into the craft of songwriting at such a young age. There are two major things I would say that Evan is doing really well and that translate to an audience instantly. There is care and craft put into the songs he writes, they pay a debt to the music he has grown up on, but he is forging his own path at the same time. And second, he plays constantly... Look you don't get good at performing unless you do it. It's not some magical gift that falls from the skies, it is a product of hard work. Evan does that work. I'm sure there have been great shows, and shows that he'd sooner forget. And even though it's been a ton of years since those days for me, I remember them so well. Being exhausted going to work the next day, and getting up and doing it all again, any day of the week. There's so much more to music than just being good at it. And Evan has that drive on top of the obvious talent.

- Stephen Stanley, Lowest of the Low/Stephen Stanley Band

I've been working shows for almost 20 years, driving and takin care of bands so have seen a lot of live music. And I got to tell you I love watching this kid play the most. He shines everytime I see and hear him!!!

- Tony Cuviello,

I was so grateful to be a part of this event Evan.. your performance was honestly captivating, your songs were beautiful.. I also loved the way you morphed in the odd cover here and there, and loved how you engaged your audience. Excellent event… I loved it, had a wonderful time. Congratulations on the release of your first Album. I am sure we can expect more new music from you in not too long. Your musical future is bound to be lucrative and abundant, as your current success is obvious. I hope you feel assured, following this beautiful event, of your creation. All your work came together in such a beautiful and special way.

- Jill Lunn, Jill Lunn Arts

I’ve know Evan since he was 6 years old. And he always loved music & has inherited his father's good taste in classic Americana Rock N Roll! Evan has taken guitar lessons since he was 8 and I’ve watched his progression over the years! And with the love of music & his determination, he has become an amazing singer-songwriter with beautifully crafted songs. The future is all Evan's and I cant wait to see all the great things that will come to this young man and his music career!

- Sam Grosso, Cadillac Lounge Productions

Being a friend of this amazing family and watching Evan being molded over the years to explode in his craft becoming an amazing guitar player, piano player and singer is such a beautiful experience. Watching him on stage, while singing along to the songs that have been stamped in the history books forever, shows you that he learned from the best and carrys it with him every time he sits down to write a new song or play something for the first time. His fearlessness and boldness on stage is something we are all familiar with from this guy from Freehold New Jersey. Those of us that have never picked up an instrument or stood on stage live vicariously through you buddy and we thank you for it. You are appreciated by so many. Thank you Evan for keeping us good company my friend. Lots of Love!

- Paul and Rosie Panetta., Top Fans

Evan Rotella is one of the most sought after young artists around. His talent is by far unique and refined for a young man his age. Evan not only sounds and looks like "The Boss" Aka Bruce Springsteen, but his song writing skills are superior. We at BIG Texas Niagara have had the pleasure of welcoming Evan on more than one occasion, where he lights up the room with his talent.

- Dawn Chamberlain-Gallardi, Big Texas Niagara

Evan is definitely the “Boss” in the music field. As an up and coming artist.. I’m glad I got to see him as a young artist in small venues, I get to say I saw him before he was famous!!! What a great performer!!

- Sheri Lynn, DJs On Queen

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